Jamie Freed with her Aviation Journalist of the Year trophy alongside Airservices acting CEO Jason Harfield and Cathay Pacific general manager South West Pacific Nelson Chin. seth jaworski

Flying high

Australia and New Zealand Aviation Media Awards 2015 Presented by the Australasian Aviation Press Club and Australian Aviation

To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often. So said Sir Winston Churchill, although the world’s greatest statesman probably didn’t have the National Aviation Press Club in mind when he penned those famous words.

Outgoing NAPC president Steve Creedy with Lifetime Achievement recipient Ben Sandilands. seth jaworski
Incoming Australasian Aviation Press Club president Geoffrey Thomas. seth jaworski
Suitable table decoration. seth jaworski

Nor did the committee steering the NAPC have Sir Winston’s quote in mind when they introduced a series of changes to reposition and update the club which was started in the early 1970s.

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