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Careers & Training
Careers & Training

The dual income stream Entry level commercial pilot licence CPL holders and university students right up to qualified aviation professionals, gaining a micro credential, having a side hustle or starting a small business is one of the big pandemic lessons. Think of it as Plan A: my priority career choice, Plan B: my deviation or

Careers & Training

“I actually feel like a qualified pilot now,” said a student that I recently congratulated for receiving his PPL. I chuckled and remembered using similar words when I was awarded my PPL. So, with that thought in mind, what exactly is the difference between a PPL holder and a CPL holder? I’m not talking about

Careers & Training

By aviation and expat financial advice specialist Richard Marsden, Director, International and Executive, MGD Wealth Many of us living and working overseas will consider returning to live in Australia: to work or retire, to help with children’s education or parent’s care, or to be closer to friends and the iconic ‘Aussie beach’. In 2020, those

Careers & Training

Staying on track financially during the pandemic The wave of stand-downs, redundancies and early retirements continues to be challenging, emotionally and financially, during this pandemic. Australians working in aviation domestically and globally are in the top tier of those experiencing job loss. The Air Transport Action Group, a Geneva-based coalition of aviation organisations, predicts the

Careers & Training

Women in Airports – Building resilience and empowering yourself – ROARRRRR! In November, the Australian Airports Association (AAA) hosted the Women in Airports Online Forum. I was gutted that I was unable to attend as their forum was covering my ‘passion topics’: building resilience and empowering yourself. I could talk for weeks on this stuff

Careers & Training

Get to know FlyOz

by Tim Johnson February 7, 2022

Fly Oz is a flight training school based out of Cowra in central New South Wales. Founded in July 2013, the school has grown in leaps and bounds since. To learn more, Australian Aviation sat down with the school’s head of operations Lyn Gray. This content is available exclusively to Australian Aviation members. Subscribe to

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